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Calvary Baptist Church

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Bible Camp

Looking Ahead: Summer Bible Camp- August 4-8 2025

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Sunday Worship

Service time 10:00 am

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Photo of people worshiping

What does a Sunday morning at Calvary look like?

Each service lasts about an hour. No one will single you out as a visitor. Also, we don't expect our visitors to give. So feel free to let the offering plate pass by when it comes down your row.

Kids are welcome to attend worship services with you. We also provide different options for children during the worship service. So feel free to take advantage of those. Before our morning service we offer a variety of Sunday-morning programs for children, teens and adults. We do this to allow people to interact in smaller groups to help them grow and find a sense of community in the journey.

What should I wear?

We are not fussy about what we wear – come casual or dressed up. Be comfortable - we care more about you than your clothes.

What does Calvary have for my family?

We love children here at CBC and believe they are an integral part of our worship. We want them to enjoy church too! We provide a few different services each Sunday for your children:

  • Children's Church (ages 3yrs to 2nd grade) - Children may be brought to the children's church room after the offering.
  • Sunday School classes for all ages downstairs 10:00-11:00

Right Now Media

An online resource for streaming Bible studies, children's video and other programs

Need a Bible?

Check out the free Bible app by YouVersion and enjoy hundreds of versions, including audio, all on your mobile device.

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Sunday: Service time 10:00 am


Ladies Bible Study
7 PM


Ladies Bible Study
10 AM


Prayer Meeting
7 to 8 PM

Warrior Girls
7 to 8:30 PM

7 to 8:30 PM


Ladies Bible Study
10 AM

Men's Bible Study
7:30 PM


Youth Group
7 to 9 PM

Weekly Activities
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